Harvey Mudd College Women Engineers and Scientists of Tomorrow (WEST) Conference 2022

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The annual Harvey Mudd College Women Engineers and Scientists of Tomorrow (WEST) Conference 2022 will be held on Zoom on Saturday, March 26th from 8:30 am-4:30 pm Pacific Time. WEST Conference is a one-day conference for high school girls to visit the Harvey Mudd College campus (through Zoom), participate in a day of science and engineering workshops, and get an idea of what it is like to be a woman scientist or engineer for a day.

Participants have the opportunity to attend workshops presented by our very own Mudd professors. Attending students are allowed a chance to listen and ask questions to a panel of current Mudd students from each technical major. Parents are welcome to attend certain parts of the conference such as the panel, admission talk, and keynote speaker. In addition, there will be opportunities for participants to chat with professors, current Mudd students, and other attendees in breakout rooms, during breaks, and at lunch. WEST Conference is only $5 to attend. Please register here!

Please note that space is limited for the conference, so please register early if you are interested in attending! Registration will close once the event has been filled. We will be sending out a preference form for the workshops once they have been finalized (so keep an eye out for that!) We hope to see you there!