Scholarly Activity of Isabel Balseiro

Book Chapter
“Gender Identity and the Reconstruction of the Self.” Twentieth Century Criticism Literature on A Question of Power, edited by Lawrence Trudeau, Layman Publishing Group. (forthcoming)
Book Preface
Preface. Book of the Missing, by Heidi Grunebaum, Praxis Magazine Online, p. 1. (2019)
Journal Articles
Balseiro, Isabel, et al. “Adjuncts in Higher Education in the United States.” Education, 21 Jan. 2016. Oxford Bibliographies: Education, doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199756810-0136
“Exile and Longing in Abderrahmane Sissako’s La Vie sur terre”, Screen, Volume 48, Number 4 (2007): 443-461
“Southbound: leaving Chicago by Greyhound.” HERMĒNEUS: Journal of Translation and Interpreting, by Rustum Kozain, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 398-402. (2016)
“For W.” HERMĒNEUS: Journal of Translation and Interpreting, by Rustum Kozain, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 403-406. (2016)
“February Moon: Cape Town.” HERMĒNEUS: Journal of Translation and Interpreting, by Rustum Kozain, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 407-413. (2016)
“Funk.” HERMĒNEUS: Journal of Translation and Interpreting, by Rustum Kozain, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 413-415. (2016)
“Memory of Revolutions.” HERMĒNEUS: Journal of Translation and Interpreting, by Rustum Kozain, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 415-419. (2016)
Book Reviews
Review of La puerta pequeña, by Carlo Fabretti and Patricia Metola. Lazarillo: Revista de la Asociación Española de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 25. (2015)
Review of Tan tarde, by Giovanna Zoboli and Camilla Engman. Lazarillo: Revista de la Asociación Española de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, vol. 33, no. 1, p. 18. (2015)

Peer Reviewer
African Studies
Black Camera
Feminist Studies
Gestos: Revista de teoría y teatro hispánico
Heinemann Press
Higher Education Quarterly
International Journal of Intercultural Relationships
Journal of African Cultural Studies
Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa
Men and Masculinities
New Directions in the Humanities Journal Collection
SUNY Press
The Arts Collection
The International Journal of the Book
University of California Press
University of Manchester Press
Conference Participation
“Mistress of Her Own Silences: The Transatlantic Poetry of María Acuña.” The Poetics of Memory, Modern Languages Association International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal. (2019)
“La edición musical en el siglo XXI en España y Portugal.” Encuentro Hispano-Luso de Editores Musicales, Asociación Española de Documentación Musical, Madrid, Spain. (2016)
“The Next Wave: Effecting Change Through Applied Women’s Studies.” The Claremont University 15th Anniversary Celebration, Claremont, CA. (2016)
“Semifictional Representation in Cinema.” SEMIOSFERAS: Congreso internacional sobre cine, literatura, música y artes escénicas, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. (2015)
Invited speaker: “Digitizing the Vernacular: Zora Neale Hurton in Digital Humanities.” Bite of Learning Series, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA. (2018)
Film Work
Cinema Workshops
Selected for week-long workshop on painting and cinema with Spanish director Víctor Erice. Talleres de Escritura Fuentetaja, Madrid, Spain. (2018)
Selected for week-long workshop on fiction and documentary film with Spanish director Víctor Erice. Nautilus Films, Madrid, Spain. (2016)
Festival Participation
SANBONANI! Film Festival 2018, Pomona College, Claremont, CA. Participant. (2018)
Maruleng Film Festival/Limpopo Marula Festival, Limpopo Province, South Africa. International Patron. (2017)
Festival Internacional de Cine de Murcia – Ibn Arabi International Film Festival (IBAFF), Murcia, Spain. Participant. (2016)
Recent Spanish Cinema, American Cinematheque, Los Angeles, CA. Participant. (2014)
Documentary Film

Featured in Lloyd Ross’s documentary An American in Sophiatown (2007) as film historian. Wrote inter-titles for the film that serve to contextualize the history of apartheid for an international audience. The documentary premiered at the American Film Institute International Film Festival in Dallas in March 2007. It was also screened at the Bologna Film Festival, Italy, in the summer of 2007. An American in Sophiatown is to be included in the release of the newly restored DVD version of Lionel Rogosin’s Come Back Africa(forthcoming).
Script Consultant
“The Village under the Forest,” full-length documentary film by Mark Kaplan and Heidi Grunebaum (2014). Audience Award, ENCOUNTERS South African Documentary Film Festival, 2013, and Official Selection TRI CONTINENTAL Human Rights Film Fesival, 2013.


Voiceover narration for “Primate Cinema: Apes as Family,” by Rachel Mayeri. Experimental film screened at Nottingham Contemporary, 2011, The Arts Catalyst, London, 2011, AND Festival, Liverpool, 2011, Prix Ars Electronica, Austria, 2011, Imagine Science Film Festival, 2012, Sundance Film Festival, Utah, 2013 (New Frontier Short Films category), Rockland Shorts: An International Short Film Series, 2013, and Berlinale Film Festival, 2013. Los Angeles première at Cinefamily, February, 2013.
Film Market Forum
In attendance,“Madrid de Cine,” Spanish Film Screenings, Madrid, Spain, 2012. An international television market that aims to offer a platform for the trade in film and television productions in a European context. Filmmakers, producers, distributors, and critics participate in the gathering.
International Advisory Board

Journal of African Cultural Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. (2012-2018)
International Professional Service
Research team, “The Emotional Body: The Cultural, Textual and Traductological Rhetoric of Emotion and Feeling as an Epistemic Source in American Literature by Women,” Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Collaboration with colleagues from CUNY, Rutgers University and University of Bremen. (2020-)
Scholar evaluator, National Research Foundation of South Africa. Also occupied position during 2007-2008. (2013-2014)
International Book Award Selection Committee, Faculty of the Arts, University of the Western Cape. (2013)
“Anthropologist at work, Campinas, Brazil.” In Barbara D. Miller’s Cultural Anthropology. (Pearson, 2013) (7th edition of text with a circulation of up to 40,000; also an e-book).
Front cover photograph for the American Anthropological Association Anthropology News, Volume 48, Number 2, February 2007.
Archival Research
Fondo Documental de Radio Televisión Española (Spanish Radio and Television National Archive) (2011-)
Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa (1996-2016)
Filmoteca Española (National Film Institute) (2012-)
Biblioteca Nacional de España (National Library of Spain) (2012-)
Fundación Francisco Largo Caballero (Francisco Caballero Foundation) (2011)
Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica (Historical Memory Documentation Center) (2011)
Archivo General de la Guerra Española (Spanish Civil War National Archive) (2011)
Research Grants
Avery Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University. (2020-2021)
Fletcher Jones Summer Research Fellowship, Harvey Mudd College. (2020)
Summer Research Creative Work Award, Harvey Mudd College. (2020)
Mudd European Travel Fund, Harvey Mudd College. Also awarded in 2019. (2020)
Presidential Grant, Harvey Mudd College. (2019)
Mellon Foundation Presidential Leadership Grant for Course Development, Harvey Mudd College. Also awarded in 2016. (2018)
Carnegie Foundation Research Grant in the Humanities Social Sciences and the Arts, Harvey Mudd College. (2018)
Brian Butler ’89 Faculty Enhancement Fund Research Award, Harvey Mudd College. (2017-2018)
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Research Award, Harvey Mudd College. Also awarded yearly from 1993 through 2004 and from 2013 through 2016. (2017-2018)
Multi-Campus Teaching Observation Program, Claremont Colleges Center for Teaching and Learning. (2017)
Harvey S. Mudd Memorial Fund, Harvey Mudd College. Also awarded in 1994, 1998, 2000, and 2006. (2016)
HISPANEX Program Grant, Spanish Ministry of Culture. (2015-2016)
Professional Development Networks at the Claremont Colleges, Pomona College. Also awarded in 2014. (2015-2016)
Humanities 197: Traditional, Experimental, and Interactive Narratives
Humanities 198: Arundathi Roy: Creative Writer and Political Activist
Writing 1: Writing Matters
Writing 1E: Writing as a Second Language
HSA10 Critical Inquiry: Reading and Writing Race
HSA10 Critical Inquiry: English with an Accent