Joint Major in Computer Science and Mathematics

The Joint Major requires 15 courses, which is one more than either the current CS major or the current Math major. Joint Majors will have two advisors, one in Computer Science and one in Mathematics; and all programs must be approved by both advisors.
The Clinic requirement is fulfilled by CSMT183 HM – Computer Science and Mathematics Clinic I and CSMT184 HM – Computer Science and Mathematics Clinic II (a Clinic course number exclusively for Joint Majors). Before other students are assigned to Clinics, the Clinic directors for both math and CS (and the faculty advisors) will meet to place joint majors in math or CS clinics, endeavoring to place students in equal numbers into appropriate math or CS clinics. It is the expectation that Clinic will be taken in the senior year.
With the creation of the joint major, it is much more difficult to pursue a double major in mathematics and computer science. However, if a student wishes to double major in computer science and mathematics, it will only be permitted under the following conditions: the student must complete all requirements (including Clinic and four semesters of CS Colloquium) for the usual computer-science major and all requirements (including Clinic or thesis, and two semesters of Math Forum) for a usual math major.
A double major between the joint major and either the normal computer-science or mathematics major will not be permitted. Double majors between the joint major and other departments are still permitted.
The upper-division electives may be satisfied by a suitable senior thesis.
The four terms of colloquium are deliberately left unordered to allow flexibility, particularly in cases of schedule conflicts. However, we expect that most majors will take one colloquium course (CS Colloquium or Math Forum, Colloquium) each term during junior and senior years.