Susan Martonosi

Susan E. Martonosi, PhD, Professor of Mathematics, focuses her research on the application of operations research and analytics methodology to problems in the public sector, including pediatric vaccine pricing, propagation of fake news, and homeland security. Her work has included game theory models for negotiating pediatric vaccine prices in the public sector; social networks analysis and graph theory to solve problems in resource allocation and terrorist network disruption; models for the efficient allocation of interventions against malaria; and probabilistic models to guide aviation security policy related to passenger and cargo screening and shipping container screening policy. In her professional consulting, she assists organizations to develop large scale optimization models to streamline operations, leverage data to produce managerial insights, and expand internal analytics capabilities.
Prof. Martonosi is an award-winning educator of operations research, statistics, probability, stochastic processes, and mathematical modeling. In 2020, she received the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science’s (INFORMS) Award for Teaching of ORMS Practice. From 2014-2019 she held the Joseph B. Platt Chaired Professorship for Teaching Excellence. And in 2012 she received the Mathematical Association of America’s Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member.
Prof. Martonosi is active within INFORMS, having served as an elected member of its Board of Directors from 2016-2019, and currently serving on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, the Finance Committee, the Ad Hoc Committee on Committee Diversity, and as co-editor of an upcoming special issue of INFORMS Transactions on Education on Diversity in the ORMS Classroom.
In her free time, Prof. Martonosi enjoys swimming with U.S. Master Swimming and volunteering with the local AYSO youth soccer program. She is an avid traveler, having served for two years as a high school mathematics teacher with the U.S. Peace Corps in the Republic of Guinea.