David A. Vosburg Publications
Professor Vosburg’s Chemistry Publication List
45. “Beyond amide bond formation: TCFH as a reagent for esterification,” N.R. Luis, K.K. Chung, M.R. Hickey, Z. Lin, G.L. Beutner, D.A. Vosburg, Org. Lett. 2024, 26, 2745-2750.
44. “Facile amide bond formation with TCFH–NMI in an organic laboratory course,” O.W.M. Baldwin, L.H. Conrad-Marut, G.L. Beutner, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2022, 99, 3747-3751.
43. “Multicomponent synthesis of lidocaine at room temperature,” M. Lee, N.J. Vosburg, E.A. Shimizu, M.A. Rentería-Gómez, R. Gámez-Montaño, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2022, 99, 2399-2402.
42. “Disorientation, adaptation, empathy, and grace,” D.A. Vosburg, J. Res. Pract. Coll. Teach., 2021, 6.
41. “Engaging undergraduates in sustainability education and research,” D.A. Vosburg, InChemistry Education for a Sustainable Society. Vol 2: Innovations in Undergraduate Curricula, ed. S.O. Obare, C.H. Middlecamp, K.E. Peterman, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2020, pp. 63-73.
40. “Anthraquinones: Versatile organic photocatalysts,” J. Cervantes-González, D.A. Vosburg, S.E. Mora-Rodriguez, M.A. Vázquez, L.G. Zepeda, C. Villegas Gómez, S. Lagunas Rivera, ChemCatChem, 2020, 12, 3811-3827.
39. “How do I design a chemical reaction to do useful work? Reinvigorating general chemistry by connecting chemistry and society,” K.M. Van Heuvelen, G.W. Daub, L.N. Hawkins, A.R. Johnson, H. Van Ryswyk, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2020, 97, 925-933.
38. “Emphasizing learning: The impact of student surveys in the reform of an introductory chemistry course,” K.M. Van Heuvelen, L.P. Blake, L.P., G.W. Daub, L.N. Hawkins, A.R. Johnson, H. Van Ryswyk, D.A. Vosburg, Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, 2019,9, 1-28.
37. “Synthesis of tris-heterocycles via a cascade IMCR/aza Diels–Alder + CuAAC strategy,” M.A. Rentería-Gómez, A., Islas-Jácome, S.G. Pharande, D.A. Vosburg, R. Gámez-Montaño, Front. Chem., 2019, 7, 546.
36. “Aqueous dearomatization/Diels–Alder cascade to a grandifloracin precursor,” E.A. Shimizu, B. Cory, J. Hoang, G.G. Castro, M.E. Jung, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2019, 96, 998-1001.
35. “Canvass: A crowd-sourced, natural-product screening library for exploring biological space,” S.E. Kearney, G. Zahoránszky-Kőhalmi, K.R. Brimacombe, M.J. Henderson, C. Lynch, T. Zhao, K.K. Wan, Z. Itkin, C. Dillon, M. Shen, D.M. Cheff, T.D. Lee, D. Bougie, K. Cheng, N.P. Coussens, D. Dorjsuren, R.T. Eastman, R. Huang, M.J. Iannotti, S. Karavadhi, C. Klumpp-Thomas, J.S. Roth, S. Sakamuru, W. Sun, S.A. Titus, A. Yasgar, Y.Q. Zhang, J. Zhao, R.B. Andrade, M.K. Brown, N.Z Burns, J.K. Cha, E.E. Mevers, J. Clardy, J.A. Clement, P.A. Crooks, G.D. Cuny, J. Ganor, J. Moreno, L.A. Morrill, E. Picazo, R.B. Susick, N.K. Garg, B.C. Goess, R.B. Crossman, C.C. Hughes, J.N. Johnston, M.M. Joullie, A.D. Kinghorn, D.G.I. Kingston, M.J. Krische, O. Kwon, T.J. Maimone, S. Majumdar, K.M. Maloney, E. Mohamed, B.T. Murphy, P. Nagorny, D.E. Olson, L.E. Overman, L.E. Brown, J.K. Snyder, J.A. Porco, F. Rivas, Jr., S.A. Ross, R. Sarpong, I. Sharma, J.T. Shaw, Z. Xu, B. Shen, W. Shi, C.R.J. Stephenson, A.L. Verano, D.S. Tan, Y. Tang, R.E. Taylor, R.J. Thomson, D.A. Vosburg, J. Wu, W.M. Wuest, A. Zakarian, Y. Zhang, T. Ren, Z. Zuo, J. Inglese, S. Michael, A. Simeonov, W. Zheng, P. Shinn, A. Jadhav, M.B. Boxer, M.D. Hall, M. Xia, R. Guha, J.M. Rohde, ACS Cent., Sci., 2018, 4, 1727-1741.
34. “Divergent Diels-Alder reactions in the biosynthesis and synthesis of endiandric-type tetracycles: A computational study,” K.J. Kron, M. Kosich, R.J. Cave, D.A. Vosburg, J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, 10941-10947.
33. “Concise, diastereoconvergent synthesis of endiandric-type tetracycles by iterative cross coupling,” E.B. Go, S.P. Wetzler, L.J. Kim, A.Y. Chang, D.A. Vosburg, Tetrahedron, 2016, 72, 3790-3794.
32.“Self-assembly, guest capture, and NMR spectroscopy of a metal–organic cage in water,” E.B. Go, V. Srisuknimit, S.L. Cheng, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93, 368-371. Featured on the journal cover.
31. “Direct, biomimetic synthesis of (+)-artemone via a stereoselective, organocatalytic cyclization,” E.D. Nacsa, B.C. Fielder, S.P. Wetzler, V. Srisuknimit, J.P. Litz, M.J. Van Vleet, K. Quach, D.A. Vosburg, Synthesis, 2015, 47, 2599-2602. Featured in Organic Chemistry Highlights and in “Navigating the chiral pool in the total synthesis of complex terpene natural products,” Brill, Z.G., Condakes, M.L., Ting, C.P., Maimone, T.J., Chem. Rev., 2017, 117, 11753-11795).
30.“Radicinin fromCochliobolussp. inhibitsXylella fastidiosa, the causal agent of Pierce’s Disease of grapevine,” T.J. Aldrich, P.E. Rolshausen, M.C. Roper, J.M. Reader, M.J. Steinhaus, J. Rapicavoli, D.A. Vosburg, K.N. Maloney, Phytochemistry, 2015, 116, 130-137, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2015.03.015.
29. “Cooperative loading and release behavior of a metal-organic receptor,” Q. Gan. T.K. Ronson, D.A. Vosburg, J.D. Thoburn, J.R. Nitschke, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 1770-1773.
28. “‘Solvent-free synthesis and fluorescence of a thiol-reactive sensor for undergraduate organic laboratories,” A.L. Patterson, M.D. May, B.J. Visser, A.A. Kislukhin, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2013, 90, 1685-1687.
27. “‘Click’ and olefin metathesis chemistry in water at room temperature enabled by biodegradable micelles,” B.H. Lipshutz, Z. Boskovic, C.S. Crowe, V.K. Davis, H.C. Whittemore, D.A. Vosburg, A.G. Wenzel, J. Chem. Educ., 2013, 90, 1514-1517.
26.“Synthesis ofcisandtransdavanoids: Artemone, hydroxydavanone, isodavanone, and nordavanone,” K.K. Wan, C.D. Evans-Klock, B.C. Fielder, D.A. Vosburg, Synthesis, 2013,45, 1541-1545.
25. “Green chemistry and biochemistry,” Vosburg, D.A., In Chemistry for Changing Times, J.W. Hill, T.W. McCreary, D.K. Kolb, 13th edition. New York: Pearson, 2012, p. 467.
24. “Chemoselective reactions of citral: Green syntheses of natural perfumes,” A.D. Cunningham, E.Y. Ham, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2011,88, 322-324.
23. “Two-step, stereoselective synthesis of linalyl oxides by asymmetric allylicO-alkylation,” K.K. Wan, J.P. Litz, D.A. Vosburg, Tetrahedron Asymm., 2010,21, 2425-2428.
22. “Green, enzymatic syntheses of divanillin and diapocynin for the organic, biochemistry, or advanced general chemistry laboratory,” R.T. Nishimura, C.H. Giammanco, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2010,87, 526-527.
21. “A green, enantioselective synthesis of warfarin for the undergraduate organic laboratory,” T.C. Wong, C.M. Sultana, D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2010,87, 194-195.
20. “A concise, biomimetic total synthesis of (+)-davanone,” K.C. Morrison, J.P. Litz, K.P. Scherpelz, D.P. Dossa, D.A. Vosburg, Org. Lett., 2009,11, 2217-2218, (highlighted in “The economies of synthesis,” T. Newhouse, P.S. Baran, R.W. Hoffmann, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 3010-3021).
19. “Teaching organic synthesis: a comparative case study approach,” D.A. Vosburg, J. Chem. Educ., 2008, 85, 1519-1523. Highlighted in “Novel organic courses,” A.W. Clauss, on page 1523 of same issue.
18. “Dynamic thiolation-thioesterase structure of a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase,” D.P. Frueh, H. Arthanari, A. Koglin, D.A. Vosburg, A.E. Bennett, C.T. Walsh, G. Wagner, Nature, 2008, 454, 903-906 (highlighted on pages 832-833 of same issue).
17. “Characterization of the aminocarboxycyclopropane-forming enzyme CmaC,” W.L. Kelly, M.T. Boyne, II, E. Yeh, D.A. Vosburg, D.P. Galonic, N.L. Kelleher, C.T. Walsh, Biochemistry, 2007, 46, 359-368.
16. “Enzymatic generation of the antimetabolite γ,γ-dichloroaminobutyrate by NRPS and mononuclear iron halogenase action in a streptomycete,” M. Ueki, D.P. Galonic, F.H. Vaillancourt, S. Garneau-Tsodikova, E. Yeh, D.A. Vosburg, F.C. Schroeder, H. Osada, C.T. Walsh, Chem. Biol., 2006, 13, 1183-1191.
15. “Nature’s inventory of halogenation catalysts: oxidative strategies predominate,” F.H. Vaillancourt, E. Yeh, D.A. Vosburg, S. Garneau-Tsodikova, C.T. Walsh, Chem. Rev., 2006, 106, 3364-3378.
14. “Non-uniformly sampled double-TROSY hNcaNH experiments for NMR sequential assignments of large proteins,” D.P. Frueh, Z.Y.J. Sun, D.A. Vosburg, C.T. Walsh, J.C. Hoch, G. Wagner, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 5757-5763.
13.“Dichlorination and bromination of a threonyl-S-carrier protein by the non-heme Fe(II) halogenase SyrB2,” F.H. Vaillancourt, D.A. Vosburg, C.T. Walsh, ChemBioChem, 2006, 7, 748-752.
12. “Determination of all nOes in1H-13C-Me-ILV-U-2H-15N proteins with two time-shared experiments,” D.P. Frueh, D.A. Vosburg, C.T. Walsh, G. Wagner, J. Biomol. NMR, 2006, 34, 31-40.
11. “Cryptic chlorination by a non-heme iron enzyme during cyclopropyl amino acid biosynthesis,” F.J. Vaillancourt, E. Yeh, D.A. Vosburg, S.E. O’Connor, C.T. Walsh, Nature, 2005, 436, 1191-1194 (highlighted on page 1094 of same issue).
10. “Nature’s assembly line logic for natural products,” C.T. Walsh, R.G. Kruger, D.A. Vosburg, Chemtracts, 2005, 18, 307-320.
9. “Natural product biosynthetic assembly lines: prospects and challenges for reprogramming,” D.A. Vosburg, C.T. Walsh, Ernst-Schering Res. Found. Workshop, 2005, 51, 261-284.
8. “An enantioselective synthesis of FR182877 provides a chemical rationalization of its structure and affords multigram quantities of its direct precursor,” C.D. Vanderwal, D.A. Vosburg, S. Weiler, E.J. Sorensen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 5393-5407.
7. “Concise stereocontrolled routes to fumagillol, fumagillin, and TNP-470,” D.A. Vosburg, S. Weiler, E.J. Sorensen, Chirality, 2003, 15, 156-166.
6. “A synthesis of (+)-FR182877 featuring tandem transannular Diels-Alder reactions inspired by a postulated biogenesis,” D.A. Vosburg, C.D. Vanderwal, E.J. Sorensen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 4552-4553.
5. “Intramolecular allenolate acylations in studies toward a synthesis of FR182877,” C.D. Vanderwal, D.A. Vosburg, E.J. Sorensen, Org. Lett., 2001,3, 4307-4310.
4. “Intramolecular hetero Diels-Alder routes to γ-carboline alkaloids,” S.A. Snyder, D.A. Vosburg, M.G. Jarvis, J.H. Markgraf, Tetrahedron, 2000, 56, 5329-5335.
3. “Postulated biogenesis of WS9885B and progress toward an enantioselective synthesis,” C.D. Vanderwal, D.A. Vosburg, S. Weiler, E.J. Sorensen, E.J., Org. Lett., 1999, 1, 645-648.
2. “A concise synthesis of fumagillol,” D.A. Vosburg, W. Weiler, E.J. Sorensen, Angew. Chem., 1999,111, 1024-1027 and Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 1999, 38, 971-974.
1. “A concise route to isocanthin-6-one,” J.H. Markgraf, S.A. Snyder, D.A. Vosburg, Tetrahedron Lett., 1998, 39, 1111-1112.
Professor Vosburg’s Science & Religion Publication List
6. “Navigating Knowledge: Creativity that Delights” D.A. Vosburg, InScholar’s Compass: Connecting Faith & Work for Academics, ed. Hannah Eagleson, InterVarsity, 2021, pp. 23-25.
5. “Ciencia y fe en México: Apreciaciones de un químico,” D.A. Vosburg, Nat. y Tras. (Rev. RYPC), 2020.
4. “How can we engage origins questions well?” D.A. Vosburg, In Science & Faith: Student Questions Explored, ed. Hannah Eagleson, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2019, pp. 51-54.
3. Jesus, Beginnings, and Science: A Guide for Group Conversation, D.A. Vosburg, K. Vosburg, Farmville, VA: Pier Press, 2017.
2. “What does Christ have to do with chemistry?” D.A. Vosburg, In Christians and Evolution: Christian Scholars Change Their Mind, ed. R.J. Berry, Oxford: Monarch Books, 2014, pp. 245-259.
1. “From the Dust: Conversations in Creation” study guide, D.A. Vosburg, Highway Media, 2012.