Alicia O. Hernandez-Castillo Former Research Groups

Prof. Hernandez-Castillo and her lab group including service dog
Summer 2023 Ethan York, Jee-In Kwon, Elena Williams, Caroline Sorrells, Prof. Hernandez-Castillo, Hammy, Natalie Couch, and Diane Park
Prof. Hernandez-Castillo 2023 Spring research students standing in front of the pond including student holding black and white service dog
Spring 2023 Caroline Sorrells, Ethan York, Prof. Hernandez-Castillo, Elena Williams, Hammie, Ezra Bacon-Gershman, and Laura Wu
Prof. Hernandez-Castillo and her lab group standing inside a lab
Fall 2022 – Caroline Sorrells, Prof.Hernandez-Castillo, Ezra Bacon-Gershman, Laura Wu, and Elena Williams
Prof. Hernandez-Castillo and lab students and dog standing in Hixon Court by fountain.
September 2022 – Laura Wu, Prof. Hernandez-Castillo and Hammie, Ezra Bacon-Gershman, and Caroline Sorrells