Harvey Mudd College Experts
Harvey Mudd’s faculty can provide commentary to news media on a broad range of topics.
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Stephen Adolph
Stuart Mudd Professor of BiologyChair, Department of BiologyPhD, University of Washington
Biology, climate change, ecology, environment, evolutionary biology, reptiles.

Bill Alves
Louisa and Robert Miller Professor in the Humanities Professor of MusicDMA, University of Southern California
Abstract cinema, computer music, Gamelan, humanities, multimedia, music, music art, music composition, tuning systems.

Isabel Balseiro
Alexander & Adelaide Hixon Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of Comparative LiteraturePhD, New York University
Cinema, comparative literature, humanities, Latin America.

Arthur T. Benjamin
Smallwood Family ChairProfessor of MathematicsPhD, Johns Hopkins University
Algorithms, combinatorics, game theory, mathemagician, mathematics, operations research.

Andrew Bernoff
Professor of MathematicsPhD, Trinity College, Cambridge University
Applications of dynamical systems, asymptotics, diffusive signaling, energy driven pattern formation, fluid mechanics, mathematics, mixing in fluids, self-similarity and scaling behavior, swarming and biological aggregations

Jim Boerkoel
Csilla and Walt Foley Endowed Professor of Computer ScienceChair, Department of Computer Science PhD, University of Michigan
Artificial intelligence, computer science, human-robot interaction, robotics.

Nicholas P. Breznay
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, Stanford University
Condensed matter physics, physics, qantum materials, superconductors.

Eliot Bush
Professor of BiologyPhD, California Institute of Technology
Biology, computational biology, molecular evolution.

Alfonso Castro
Professor of MathematicsRobert and Barbara McAlister Endowed Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of Cincinnati
Applied mathematics, differential equations, mathematics.

Philip Cha
Professor of EngineeringCF Braun & Co. Fellowship in EngineeringPhD, University of Michigan
Engineering, mechanical vibrations, structural dynamics.

Ambereen Dadabhoy
Associate Professor of Literature PhD, Claremont Graduate University
East-west encounter, literature, postcolonial theory, race, religion, Shakespeare.

Albert Dato
Associate Professor of EngineeringAssociate Chair, Department of EngineeringPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Engineering, nanomaterials, nanotechnology.

Marianne de Laet
Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology and SocietyPhD, University of Utrecht
Humanities, scientific cultures, sociology, technology and society, Zimbabwe bush pump.

Lisette de Pillis
Norman F. Sprague, Jr. Professor of the Life SciencesProfessor of MathematicsPhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Cancer immunology, computational fluid dynamics, mathematical biology, mathematics, numerical linear algebra, parallel computing.

Zachary Dodds
Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Chair in Computer ScienceEntrepreneurship Studio DirectorPhD, Yale University
Computer science, computer vision, CS curriculum, CS outreach, high school CS, middle school CS, robotics.

Tom Donnelly
Shanahan Endowed Dean of the Faculty ChairVice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the FacultyProfessor of PhysicsPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Fluid dynamics, high-intensity laser physics, physics.

Erika W. Dyson
Willard W. Keith, Jr. Fellow of the HumanitiesAssociate Professor of Religious StudiesPhD, Columbia University
Activism and religion, American religious history, church and state, history, humanities, occult religions, pedagogy, religion, religion and science.

Ken Fandell
Michael G. and C. Jane Wilson Chair in Arts and the HumanitiesMFA, University of Illinois at Chicago
Art, humanities, interdisciplinary arts, photography.

Alfred Flores
Associate Professor of Asian American StudiesPhD University of California, Los Angeles
Asian American studies, history, humanities, immigration, labor, militarization, Pacific islander history, race, settler colonialism.

Jason Gallicchio
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhysics Clinic DirectorPhD, Harvard University
Experimental cosmology, physics, quantum mechanics, quantum theory.

Sharon Gerbode
Professor of PhysicsAssociate Dean for Academic AffairsPhD, Cornell University
Biomechanics, biophysics, physics, soft matter physics.

Weiqing Gu
Professor of MathematicsRobert and Barbara McAlister Endowed Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of Pennsylvania
Big data analysis, differential geometry, geometric modeling and design, Grassmann manifolds, industrial mathematics, mathematics, optimal big data to decision, topology.

Vivien Hamilton
Professor of the History of SciencePhD, University of Toronto
Gender and science, history, history of medicine, history of physics, history of science, humanities.

Karl Haushalter
Seeley W. Mudd Chair, Professor of Chemistry and BiologyChair, Department of ChemistryPhD, Harvard University
Biology, chemistry, community based learning, DNA, gene therapy, HIV-AIDS.

Lelia Hawkins
Professor of Chemistry and Hixon Professor of Climate StudiesDirector of the Hixon Center for Climate and the EnvironmentPhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, chemistry, climate change, photochemical smog, pollution.

Jae Hur
Associate Professor of BiologyPhD, Harvard University
Aging, biology, cellular biology, longevity, molecular biology.

Mark Ilton
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, McMaster University
Elastodynamics, fast biomechanics, fluid dynamics, physics, soft matter physics.

Adam Johnson
Ray and Mary Ingwersen Professor of ChemistryPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Asymmetric catalysis, chemistry, education, organometallics, pedagogy.

Dagan Karp
Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of British Columbia
Algebraic geometry, diversity, math education, mathematics

Nancy Lape
James Howard Kindelberger Professor of EngineeringChair, Department of EngineeringPhD, University of Minnesota
Bioengineering, engineering, nanocomposite membranes, transdermal transport.

Theresa Lynn
Bruce and Susan Worster Professor of PhysicsChair, Department of PhysicsPhD California Institute of Technology
Atomic physics, physics, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, quantum information science, quantum optics.

Susan Martonosi
Professor of MathematicsChair of the FacultyPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Applied probability, aviation security, homeland security, humanitarian logistics, mathematics, operations research, terrorist network disruption.

Rachel Mayeri
Professor of Media StudiesDirector of Hixon Riggs ProgramMFA., University of California, San Diego
Animals, animation, art, art and science, film, humanities, media, primates, special effects.

Catherine McFadden
Vivian and D. Kenneth Baker Professor of the Life SciencesPhD, University of Washington
Biology, coral, marine biology.

Julie Medero
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, University of Washington
Computer science, literacy education, machine learning, natural language processing.

George D. Montañez
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Algorithmic search, artificial intelligence, computer science, information theory, machine learning.

Michael Orrison
Kenneth A. and Diana G. Jonsson Professor of MathematicsChair, Department of MathematicsPhD, Dartmouth College
Algebraic voting theory, harmonic analysis on finite groups, mathematics.

Peter Saeta
Professor of PhysicsDirector, Physics ClinicPhD, Harvard University
Nonlinear optics, physics, semiconductor physics, solar energy.

Vatche Sahakian
Burton Bettingen Professor of PhysicsPhD, University of Chicago
Cosmology, particle physics, physics, string theory, theoretical physics.

Danae Schulz
Associate Professor of BiologyPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Biology, molecular biology, molecular immunology, parasites, sleeping sickness.

David Seitz
Associate Professor of Cultural GeographyPhD, University of Toronto
Gender studies, human geography, humanities, queer studies, sexuality studies.

Brian Shuve
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, Harvard University
Dark matter, physics, theoretical particle physics.

Matthew Spencer
Associate Professor of EngineeringDirector of the MakerspacePhD, University of California, Berkeley
Circuit design, engineering, MEMS.

Erik Spjut
Professor of Engineering Union Oil Company Engineering Design FellowPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aerosols, engineering, materials processing, optical diagnostics, process control, radiant heat transfer

Paul Steinberg
Malcolm Lewis Chair in Sustainability and SocietyProfessor of Political Science and Environmental PolicyPhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Biodiversity, environment, environmental policy, humanities, political science, sustainability

Daniel Stoebel
Professor of BiologyPhD, The State University of New York, Stony Brook
Bacteria, biology, E. coli, molecular genetics

Christopher Stone
Professor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Capstone Program DirectorPhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Compilers, computer science, concurrency, object calculi, programming languages, type theory.

Francis E. Su
Professor of MathematicsBenediktsson-Karway Chair of Mathematics PhD, Harvard University
Algorithms, game theory, geometric and topological combinatorics, mathematical economics, mathematics.

Beth Trushowsky
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, University of California, Berkeley
Computer science, crowdsourcing, data management, databases.

Katherine Van Heuvelen
R. Michael Shanahan Endowed ProfessorshipAssociate Dean of the FacultyPhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chemistry, environment, metals in biology.

Hal Van Ryswyk
John Stauffer Chair in ChemistryPhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chemistry, low-cost photovoltaics, pollution, solar energy.

David A. Vosburg
Donald A. Strauss Endowed Professor of ChemistryPhD, The Scripps Research Institute
Biosynthesis, chemistry, green chemistry, natural products, organic synthesis, religion.

Ben Wiedermann
Professor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Clinic Recruiting DirectorPhD, University of Texas at Austin
Computer science, program analysis, programming languages, semantics.

Talithia Williams
Professor of MathematicsDirector, Mathematics ClinicPhD, Rice University
Data analytics, mathematics, modeling, statistics, STEM outreach.

Darryl Wright
Willard W. Keith, Jr. Fellow in the HumanitiesProfessor of PhilosophyChair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the ArtsPhD, University of Michigan
Ethics, humanities, philosophy, political philosophy.

Qimin Yang
Professor of Engineering PhD, Princeton University
Engineering, fiber optics, optical communications, optical packet switching networks.

Darryl Yong
McGregor-Girand Chair in STEM Equity Innovation and ResearchProfessor of MathematicsCore Curriculum DirectorPhD, University of Washington
Applied mathematics, mathematics, mathematics education, partial differential equations, perturbation theory, teacher learning.

Werner Zorman
Walter and Leonore Annenberg Chair in LeadershipVienna University of Technology
Communication skills, emotional intelligence, leadership, team building.
Interviews and Assistance
Judy Augsburger
Director of Public Relations
301 Platt Blvd.
Claremont, CA 91711
Experts by Subject
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asian American Studies
- Astronomy
- Biodiversity
- Biology
- Business Case Analysis
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Climate Change
- Computational Biology
- Computer Games
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Science
- Earthquake
- Ecology
- Education
- Engineering
- Environment
- Environmental Policy
- Ethics
- Geophysics
- History
- Human-robot Interaction
- Humanities
- Immigration
- Leadership
- Literature
- Low-cost Photovoltaics
- Marine biology
- Mathematics
- Music
- Pedagogy
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physics
- Political Science
- Pollution
- Project/Program Management
- Religion
- Robotics
- Sociology
- Solar Energy
- Sustainability
- Technology and Society