Building Evacuation Procedures

Situations requiring evacuation from a building may include fire, bomb threat, hazardous indoor atmosphere or other incidents that require individuals to leave a building and assemble in a designated evacuation assembly area.


A fire alarm will sound.

An emergency message may be sent via Mudd Alert, e-mail, campus or cell phone.

A supervisor, Campus Safety Officer, Police Office or Fire Official may give an order to evacuate.

Safely stop your work

Stay calm; do not rush or panic.

Shut down equipment that could become unstable or present a hazard.

Take with you, ONLY essential personal items (wallet, keys, etc.).

Leave the building through the nearest marked EXIT

Do not use elevators.  Go to the nearest safe stairway.

Help those who need special assistance.

If you encounter smoke; drop to the floor and crawl along the wall to the nearest marked EXIT. Touch closed doors with the back of your hand before opening.  If the surface is hot, do not open the door, use another exit route.

Close, but do not lock all doors as you are leave.  Closed doors can slow the spread of fire, smoke and water.

Report to the nearest evacuation assembly location

Check in with the Evacuation Coordinator at your assembly location.

Report any missing individuals and last known locations of emergency responders.

Notify emergency responders about sensitive research, operating equipment, animals left in the building, etc.

Wait for instructions from the Evacuation Coordinator or Emergency Responders

Remain at your assembly area until further notice.

Do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by an appropriate authority (Campus Safety, Police, Fire Department Official).

Learn about your emergency exit routes now

Know the nearest exits, including stairways for the buildings you frequent.

Locate the outside emergency assembly locations.  See the Harvey Mudd College evacuation sites map (PDF).

Read the Emergency Response Guide.  Ask your building Evacuation Coordinator for help.