Summer Research Opportunities for Students

Additional Summer Research Opportunities
This is not a comprehensive list, but it will give you a great start. The OCS staff are happy to help you find answers to your questions about the programs, and help you with the application process. Some of these programs might require recommendation letters, resumes, or other materials. Start your search early and do your homework. You can schedule an appointment.
National Science Foundation – lists Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in all applicable disciplines. It includes contact information for all of the programs.
Pathways to Science – lists 600+ summer undergraduate research opportunities in STEM disciplines
Journal of Young Investigators – lists summer research opportunities in science fields as well as resources for application support and conferences for undergraduates
AAMC– lists undergraduate research opportunities at universities across the United States in the medical field
NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) – opportunity to do research across most STEM fields at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
UCLA SPUR– research opportunities in all fields, with specific programs for different STEM disciplines
Boston University SURF – research opportunities in biology and the control of gene expression for biological outcomes
International Opportunities
Euroscholars – offers a broad range of research projects in many fields of interest across three universities in Europe
The ISTernship – Vienna, Austria, Institute of Science and Technology (IST):- includes research in all STEM disciplines at IST in Vienna
NanoJapan – specifically for freshman and sophomore students, nanotechnology research opportunities in Japan
Aalto Science Institute in Finland– offers summer research opportunities for students
Pathways to Science: Sustainability – lists options for research in Sustainability across the country
Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program – climate sciences research opportunities for undergraduates
Boyce Thompson Institute – undergraduate research opportunities spanning fields of ecology, bioinformatics, and other biological sciences.
National Laboratories
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
- National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab
- Sandia National Labs
- Argonne National Lab
- Department of Homeland Security STEM Summer Internship Program
- RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering), Materials Research Lab at UCSB
- Computer Science Research
- Pfizer’s Summer Program
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- NIH Summer Internship Program
- Science Undergrad Lab Internships (SULI)