CS Faculty and Staff
CS Department and Chair’s Office Contact
To contact the Computer Science Department or Chair’s Office please call 909.607.0299 or email chair@cs.hmc.edu.
For questions about admissions (including tours and meeting faculty), please email admission@hmc.edu.
Jim Boerkoel
Department ChairAssociate ProfessorMcGregor 309909.607.4522boerkoel@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Human-Robot Teams, Scheduling, and Planning, Artificial Intelligence.
Julie Medero
Department Associate ChairAssociate ProfessorMcGregor 317909.621.8072julie@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Natural Language Processing, especially its applications to literacy education.
Lucas Bang
Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 328bang@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Combining combinatorics and information theory to software analysis problems. Recent work has been in synthesizing adaptive side-channel exploits.
Katherine Breeden
Capstone Program DirectorAssistant ProfessorMcGregor 319909.607.3462kb@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Computer Graphics, Human Gaze Response, Computational Geometry.
Jonathan Chang ’17
Assistant Professor of Computer ScienceMcGregor 322 909.621.8570jonachang@g.hmc.edu
Research: Algorithms, models to promote healthy online interactions
Zach Dodds
Clinic Relations DirectorProfessorMcGregor 326909.607.1813dodds@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Robot Vision and Spatial Reasoning, CS Outreach.
Lynn Kirabo
Assistant ProfessorClimate and Computer ScienceOlin 1253 & McGregor 313 (TR)lkirabo@g.hmc.edu
Research: Human-Computer Interaction and Accessibility
George Montañez
Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 301909.607.9945montanez@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Machine Learning and why it works!
Vidushi Ojha ’17
Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 316, x18127909.621.8127vojha@g.hmc.edu
Research: Policies, practices that foster learning and well-being.
Melissa O’Neill
ProfessorMcGregor 314909.607.9661oneill@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Parallel and Distributed Systems and Programming Languages.
Arthi Padmanabhan POM ’14
Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 321arpadmanabhan@g.hmc.edu
Research: Systems and Networking; Systems for Machine Learning
Tim Randolph
Assistant Professor of Computer ScienceMcGregor 327909.607.4173trandolph@g.hmc.edu
Research: Intersection of computer science and mathematics.
Xanda Schofield ’13
Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 330909.607.2105xanda@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Natural Language Processing, with applications to text analysis for the humanities and social sciences.
Chris Stone
ProfessorMcGregor 320909.607.8975stone@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Types in Programming Languages and Compilers.
Erin Talvitie
Associate Professor On Sabbatical 2023/24McGregor 323909.607.1381erin@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Applications of machine learning to artificial intelligence, creation of artificial autonomous agents that can act flexibly and competently in unknown environments.
Beth Trushkowsky
Associate ProfessorMcGregor 318 909.621.8035beth@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Crowdsourcing and Databases.
Ben Wiedermann
ProfessorOn Sabbatical 2023/24McGregor 315909.607.5330benw@cs.hmc.edu
Research: Programming Languages and improving the Human/Program Interface.
Visiting and Adjunct Faculty
Gabe Hope
Visiting Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 322 909.607.4522ghope@g.hmc.edu
Mark Kampe
Visiting Assistant ProfessorMcGregor 304kampe@g.hmc.edu
Naim Matasci
Adjunct ProfessorMcGregor 310nmatasci@g.hmc.edu
Emeritus & Memoriam Faculty
Tim Buchheim ’01
Systems AdministratorMcGregor 305909.607.3485tcb@cs.hmc.edu
- Department Servers
- Faculty Research Servers
- Knuth Accounts and CS Server Email Addresses
Chelsey Calingo
Program CoordinatorMcGregor 308 (main office)909.607.2715ccalingo@g.hmc.edu
- Student Engagement
- Grutor Logistics
- Department Record Keeping
- Faculty Service Task Assistant
Nic Dodds
Course Technology CoordinatorMcGregor 304909.607.4136ndodds@g.hmc.edu
- CS Course Server Setup
- Clinic Equipment Management
- Department Machines Management
- DevOps Team(s) Supervision
Kevin Herrera ’17
Curriculum CoordinatorMcGregor 332909.607.0279kherrera@hmc.edu
- Support for all CS Courses
- Set up Gradescope, Canvas, and Autograders
- Grutoring Program
- CS Lab Manager
Morgan McArdle
Capstone and Event CoordinatorMcGregor 306909.607.0299mmcardle@g.hmc.edu
- Clinic Management
- Reimbursement Lead
- Department Publications and Communications
- Department calendars and room reservations