Alumni Association Awards

The Alumni Association is pleased to recognize important contributions of members of the Harvey Mudd College community through its awards program. Nominations are open to the entire HMC community, and are reviewed by the Selections Committee of the Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABoG). Recipients are approved by a vote of the full Board of Governors.
Awards are presented in seven categories:
- Honorary Alumni
- Lifetime Recognition
- Order of the Wart
- Outstanding Alumni
- Outstanding Athlete of the Year
- Spotlight Recognition Award
- Van Hecke Prize
View Past Recipients of All Awards – Submit a Nomination
Honorary Alumni
Recipients awarded Honorary Alumni status are recognized as alumni of the College with all rights and privileges pertaining thereunto. Honorary Alumni are chosen for being a long-standing friend of the College, its students and alumni; and having contributed significantly to the betterment of the students and alumni.
Lifetime Recognition Award
These honorees have provided outstanding and recognizable dedication to Harvey Mudd College over many years.
Order of the Wart
“Warts” are the square, protruding cement blocks that decorate most HMC building facades, and they hold special meaning for alumni. This award recognizes a job well done and is awarded to those who have made significant contributions to the alumni of Harvey Mudd College.
Outstanding Alumni Award
HMC’s Alumni Association takes pride in recognizing outstanding alumni who have made significant contributions to humanity and society in areas of community service, global contribution, and science and technology.
To qualify, alumni contributions should demonstrate a high level of sustained commitment and involve personal sacrifice. The size of the group affected is not relevant, but the contribution must make a positive impact on humanity or society reaching an organization, community or individual. The nominee may already have been recognized by an independent organization or received other honors or awards.
Outstanding Athlete of the Year
This award is presented annually to a student athlete selected by the coaches for exceptional athletic achievements.
Spotlight Recognition Award
Presented on a rolling basis to selected alumni of any age who, typically within the last several years, have had a tangible effect of noted magnitude that embodies the HMC visionary themes of innovation, leadership and impact through global influence, contributions to society, or inspiration to other alumni. While not required, it is expected several of these awards will be given out each year, with recipients to be featured in Mudd Magazine.
Van Hecke Prize
The Van Hecke Prize is the Alumni Association’s highest honor and is awarded to those alumni who are synonymous with an extraordinary level of support and commitment to Harvey Mudd College, its students, its alumni and its mission. The award is named in honor of its first recipient, Professor Gerald R. Van Hecke ’61.