July 16 Update: Website and Pilot Testing of Survey

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Dear HMC Community,

The Task Force on Clinic and Corporate Partnerships sends you greetings and is writing to provide our regular biweekly update on our activities.  

Short version

Small scale pilot testing of the survey is beginning this week and the full scale launch of the community-wide survey will take place later this month. The Task Force’s website is now live.  Additional information will be added to this website in the weeks ahead.  You can send messages to the Task Force using the email address taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu

Long version

We know the issues we are discussing are important for our community members.  We have been working hard to gather information that will inform our community discussions in the fall. Our work is motivated by a strong belief in the ability of the Mudd community to engage in thoughtful dialogue about difficult issues in ways that provide opportunities for all stakeholder perspectives to be shared and carefully considered. 

The Task Force continues to meet weekly with subgroups working on assignments between meetings.  The bulk of the Task Force’s time and energy since our last update has been devoted to finalizing the community-wide survey.  Small scale pilot testing is beginning this week and the full scale launch of the survey will take place later this month. The purpose of the pilot testing and of the extra care being given to the survey design is to ensure that the questions on the survey are clear and will provide useful information that will spark fruitful community conversations in the fall. We have striven to develop questions that probe a complex set of issues while keeping the survey short enough to maximize participation. The survey will provide an open-ended question at the end for respondents to share anything that the survey did not cover that they want to be considered. Ultimately, we recognize that the survey is a seed for further conversation and not the end of the conversation.  

The Task Force’s website is now live and currently has the charge and membership of the Task Force, as well as an archive of the communications about/from the Task Force.  Additional items that will be added to the website in the weeks ahead include an FAQ, schedules for discussions and forums in the fall, and our fall interim reports. 

The Task Force would like to acknowledge the assistance and partnership of the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE) for their help with the survey and the Office of Communications and Marketing for their help with the website.

We invite you to share your thoughts with the Task Force on the upcoming survey.  In the meantime, you can send messages to the Task Force using the email address taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu. Your message will be read and any feedback taken seriously. 

Thank you for your engagement with this process.

Task Force Members


Avani Anne ’25
Alina Scholz ’25
Ivan Dudiak ’26
McKenna McMurray ’26
Sadhvi Narayanan ’27
Aabhas Senapati ’27


Mo Kyn ’24
Kathy French ’97, President, Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABOG)


Shannon Braun, Director of Career Services
Colleen Coxe, Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Research and Projects
Kim Nykanen, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students


Zach Dodds, Professor of Computer Science and Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Chair of Computer Science
Erika Dyson, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Willard W. Keith Jr. Fellow in the Humanities
Karl Haushalter, Seeley W. Mudd Professor of Chemistry and Biology and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Co-chair of the Task Force
Sarah Kavassalis, Assistant Professor of Climate and Chemistry
Leah Mendelson, Associate Professor of Engineering
Talithia Williams, Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Clinic Director, Co-chair of the Task Force


Doo Chung ’11, Member, Board of Trustees
Michael Schubmehl ’02, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees