July 2 Update: Task Force Members and Subgroups

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Dear HMC Students, Staff, and Faculty,

We hope this message finds you well!  We are writing to provide an update from the Task Force on Clinic and Corporate Partnerships.  

Short Version

The Task Force is composed of students, alumni, staff, trustees and faculty.  As a group, we deeply value the concerns raised about the Clinic program and our corporate partnerships. We recognize the connection between these voiced concerns and the pain of our community members as they witness the violence taking place in the world right now. We are committed to creating a process for evaluating and enhancing our program offerings in pursuit of the College’s mission.  This month, we will be launching a website and releasing a community-wide survey. Moving forward, we will provide regular updates approximately biweekly and you can expect multiple ways to engage with the Task Force’s work, including opportunities for in-person conversations in the fall. You can reach the Task Force via email at taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu.

Long Version

The composition of the task force is representative of the stakeholder groups of the College’s shared governance structures, including students, alumni, staff, trustees and faculty. Since launching at the end of May, the Task Force has met as a large group weekly on Zoom.  In addition, we have formed three subgroups that have been working on tasks between meetings. The large amount of time and energy devoted by the Task Force members reflects the seriousness with which we take the concerns raised and our deep felt empathy for our community members who are affected by the war and violence taking place in our world today.  Within the Task Force, we prioritize listening thoughtfully to each other across our differences in perspective and position so that we can learn from each other and build an inclusive process forward.

Survey Subgroup

The Survey subgroup has partnered with the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE) to develop a survey, which will be distributed to students, faculty, staff, and alumni later this month. The survey aims to understand community perspectives on how our relationships with corporate partners through Clinic and the Office of Career Services align with the HMC Mission, our personal ethical positions, and the College’s collective ethical stance. It will include questions on specific industries, such as military/defense, and broader questions to provide context. A summary of the survey results will be shared in interim reports this fall and will inform community-wide discussions as we work towards a shared understanding of our corporate partnerships.

Communications Subgroup

The Communications subgroup has partnered with the Office of Communications and Marketing to develop plans for how best to share the results of the Task Force and gather feedback from all stakeholder groups. The plans being worked on include the following: a website with FAQ, biweekly email updates on the Task Force’s progress (e.g. today’s email), and a diverse range of opportunities for stakeholders to provide input at different stages of the process. The priorities include making the process as transparent as possible and encouraging engagement with as many stakeholders as possible. Copies of messages sent to the community will be posted on the website so that they are available to all members of the HMC community. 

Other Data Sources Subgroup

We have been collecting historical data on our corporate partnerships through Clinic and the Office of Career Services, analyzing trends across industries and disciplines. Additionally, we are gathering information on the history, financial impact, and pedagogical value of the Clinic program at HMC. We are also seeking insights from peer institutions with senior capstone programs modeled after our Clinic program.

What to expect from the Task Force

The Task Force is integrated into the College’s strategic planning process. The recommendations of the Task Force will likely be multifaceted and will involve the participation of multiple stakeholders in implementation. Because we are interested in making lasting, positive changes, we will lean into the shared governance model in which decision-making is collaborative and respectful of the expertise and designated roles of our HMC community members. As an example, any strategic recommendations related to the curricular aspect of the Clinic program will be directed primarily to the faculty, who have the responsibility of stewarding the curriculum. In future updates and communications, the Task Force will go into more detail about what to expect because we recognize that many HMC community members have questions about who will be receiving the Task Force’s recommendations and what will happen next.

The next milestones for the Task Force will be the release of the survey and the launch of the website, both of which will take place later this month. In the meantime, comments and questions can be directed to  taskforce_ccp-l@g.hmc.edu. While it may not always be possible to reply individually, all emails will be read and taken seriously. Responses to common questions and themes will be included when appropriate on the FAQ section of the website to be launched later this month.

Task Force Members


Avani Anne ’25
Alina Scholz ’25
Ivan Dudiak ’26
McKenna McMurray ’26
Sadhvi Narayanan ’27
Aabhas Senapati ’27


Mo Kyn ’24
Kathy French ’97, President, Alumni Association Board of Governors (AABOG)


Shannon Braun, Director of Career Services
Colleen Coxe, Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Research and Projects
Kim Nykanen, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students


Zach Dodds, Professor of Computer Science and Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Chair of Computer Science
Erika Dyson, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Willard W. Keith Jr. Fellow in the Humanities
Karl Haushalter, Seeley W. Mudd Professor of Chemistry and Biology and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Co-chair of the Task Force
Sarah Kavassalis, Assistant Professor of Climate and Chemistry
Leah Mendelson, Associate Professor of Engineering
Talithia Williams, Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Clinic Director, Co-chair of the Task Force


Doo Chung ’11, Member, Board of Trustees
Michael Schubmehl ’02, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees