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Follow-up Email to Students Following Protest

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Hi Students,

In addition to the points shared in my previous email, I want to express what I promise to advocate for on your behalf at the upcoming Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 4/19 10 am – 1 pm:

  1. The addition of one additional position in OHW and one in OID for the 2017-18 year (students will be involved in any search process and discussions of the job description). As always, we will ensure a diverse applicant pool. We have already agreed to continuing on campus counselors for the rest of this year and collaborating with students to work with counselors that will serve our diversity groups in the interim. Dean Leslie is working with student leaders this week on this and will send an update by next Monday.
  2. We have committed to $1500 per affinity group for next year. I will advocate for another $1500 as requested.
  3. By Friday I will share a list of possible temporary spaces for diversity clubs. Students have offered to create a “space committee” that I will work with in designating group space as new spaces open up (including possibly in the new building). These student spaces will be a top priority in my space allocation advocacy and at least one permanent space will be dedicated by the time of completion of the new building.
  4. I will do my best to send the other budgets before Friday 4/21, but for sure by 4/21.

As mentioned below, we will announce our proposal later in the day on 4/19 for student feedback and we have the dinner meeting on 4/20.

Dean Jacobsen
Dean Sumi
President Klawe