Martonosi Elected Chair of the Faculty
March 21, 2022
Harvey Mudd College faculty members have elected Susan Martonosi, professor of mathematics, to a three-year term as chair of the faculty.
An elected chair of the faculty sits ex officio on the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee and on the Board of Trustees Educational Planning Committee. The faculty chair also presides over faculty meetings and meetings of the Faculty Executive Committee. Martonosi succeeds Tom Donnelly, physics professor and inaugural director of the Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment. According to Martonosi, “the most important role played by the chair of the faculty is to foster open and efficient lines of communication among faculty as well as between faculty and the administration. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for the transition to a new president of the College, the chair of the faculty will need to facilitate discourse on how to emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever while serving as an important touchstone of institutional memory and norms that have shaped the College thus far. I am humbled and honored to have been elected by my peers to serve in this role.”
Martonosi joined the HMC faculty in 2005. In addition to being active on committees, serving as a student ally and as associate chair in the Department of Mathematics at HMC, she has served as a Clinic Program director for Mathematics and for Global Clinic. She has served in leadership positions, including vice president for membership and professional recognition of INFORMS, and is currently a member of the INFORMS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, and the INFORMS Finance Committee. Her research area is the application of operations research and analytics methodology to problems in the public sector, including the pricing and procurement of pediatric vaccines, the propagation of fake news on social media and public policy. In 2012, she received the Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member from the Mathematical Association of America. In 2020, she received the INFORMS Award for the Teaching of Operations Research and Management Science practice.
Donnelly says, “Susan will be a great leader for the College as we meet new challenges over the next three years and welcome a new president.”