Emphasis in Environmental Analysis at Harvey Mudd

Environmental analysis fits exceptionally well within the Harvey Mudd College mission to train students who combine technical rigor and engagement with pressing social issues. There has always been a significant demand for environmental courses, research experiences, and Clinics at the College. The emphasis in environmental analysis provides a curricular program to help students move through their environmental studies in a coherent and cumulative fashion.

The emphasis in environmental analysis is not a major. Rather, it is a coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics the opportunity to address environmental issues from a range of perspectives so that they may better understand the impact of their work.

Emphasis Requirements

To complete the emphasis, a student must take five courses beyond the core curriculum with significant environmental analysis content, on or off campus:

  • You must confirm your intent to pursue and complete the emphasis by the end of pre-registration of your first semester of junior year.
  • A minimum of two courses must be in the recognized disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts.
  • A minimum of two courses must be within the science, engineering and mathematics.
  • At least three of these courses must be upper-division courses.
  • With coordinated approval from the Hixon Center and a student’s emphasis faculty advisor, up to two summer research, year-long research, or year-long Clinic experiences with substantial environmental analysis components may be counted towards the five-course total.

How to Apply and Find an Advisor

At any point up to the end of the pre-registration period in the student’s fifth semester, a student can initiate the process to pursue the emphasis:

  1. the student must complete the Emphasis in Environmental Analysis – Interest Form declaring their interest in completing the emphasis. This is a student’s initial entryway and application into the emphasis.
  2. upon submitting the form, the Hixon Center will add the student to the emphasis mailing list (eea-l@g.hmc.edu) and create an online application (sample application available) and meeting log. This online document will be accessible to the student, their emphasis faculty advisor, the Hixon Center, and the Office of the Registrar.

At this point, the student can select one of the following faculty members to serve as their emphasis advisor. If they are uncertain about who to select, the Hixon Center will help pair the student with an advisor.

BiologyAdolph, McFadden
ChemistryHawkins, Van Heuvelen, Van Ryswyk
Computer ScienceMedero
EngineeringDato, Lape, Mendelson, Santana
Humanities, Social Studies and the ArtsSteinberg
Mathematicsde Pillis
EA Advisors

Students and faculty advisors must meet at least once per semester to review the student’s emphasis course path and to revise if necessary. They must update the meeting log in their online application and note any changes.

*On sabbatical in AY 23-24

Completing the Emphasis

Students who successfully complete the requirements for the emphasis in environmental analysis and complete the program by the time the graduate will receive an certificate from the Hixon Center, will have the emphasis noted on their official college transcript, and will be recognized in the commencement program during graduation.

To complete the emphasis, graduating seniors must meet with their advisors in their final semester and confirm that the courses listed in their form are the ones they took. Students should notify the Hixon Center that they are ready for the registrar to verify their courses electronically. No paper submission is necessary as the registrar has access to the online forms.

Emphasis Timeline

The emphasis in environmental analysis has several checkpoints throughout the calendar year to make sure that students, faculty advisors, and the registrar’s office can carefully monitor and assure the progress of a student through the program:

Fall Semester


A list of emphasis faculty advisors for the fall semester are finalized and published on this page.


Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses before pre-registration in November.


The Hixon Center hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to learn more about the program and to have their questions answered. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-November (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Hixon Center provides a list of valid, designated “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses for the upcoming spring semester. This list is delivered via email and will be posted on this page.

Mid-November (end of pre-registration)

This is the deadline for students in their fifth semester to officially confirm with their emphasis faculty advisor, the Hixon Center, and the registrar’s office that they intend to either continue or cease involvement in the program. Should the student specify that they will not continue, or fail to confirm that they will, the student will be removed from the emphasis program and will no longer be able to formally complete the program.


The Hixon Center will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.

Spring Semester


A list of emphasis faculty advisors for the spring semester are finalized and published on this page.


Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “EA” or “environmental analysis” courses before pre-registration in April.


The Hixon Center hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to learn more about the program and to have their questions answered. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-April (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Hixon Center provides a list of valid, designated “EA” or “environmental enalysis” courses for the upcoming fall semester. This list is delivered via email and will be posted on this webpage.

Mid-April (end of pre-registration)

This is the deadline for students in their fifth semester to officially confirm with their emphasis faculty advisor, the Hixon Center, and the registrar’s office that they intend to either continue or cease involvement in the program. Should the student specify that they will not continue, or fail to confirm that they will, the student will be removed from the emphasis program and will no longer be able to formally complete the program.


The Hixon Center will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.

Other Academic Options

While the emphasis in environmental analysis is an excellent way to incorporate environmental analysis content into one’s degree path, there are plenty of academic options available for Harvey Mudd College students interested in environmental analysis and sustainability – especially since there are a wide variety of courses taught on environmental topics across The Claremont Colleges. Students may:

  • Complete their HSA concentration in environmental studies, and in doing so may qualify for completing the emphasis in environmental analysis.
  • Design a major in environmental studies as an individual program of studies (IPS).
  • Double-major in a Harvey Mudd technical discipline and in environmental analysis at another 5C institution.
  • Complete an off-campus major in environmental analysis at one of the 5Cs.
  • Complete the requirements of a typical major in environmental analysis without entering into a formal program.

Courses with EA Emphasis

Consult the EEA Course List for opportunities at Harvey Mudd and across The Claremont Colleges that qualify towards completing the emphasis.