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ASHMC Executive Policy

Article I: The Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall meet once a week, as scheduled by the ASHMC President.
  2. The Executive Board shall be responsible for maintaining the Executive Policy. The Executive Board can change the Executive Policy with a three-quarters majority vote of the Board.
  3. Quorum shall be defined as one half of the voting membership of the Executive Board.
  4. If two or more individuals hold a position on the Executive Board, one of the individuals holding that position are expected to attend the weekly Executive Board meetings, unless the President deems their presence unnecessary. If the position is a voting position, then those individuals sharing the position share a single vote.
  5. Each officer of the Executive Board shall make a weekly report detailing the status of their office.
    1. The Senate Chair shall include in their report business conducted at Senate meetings. This shall, at least, include a report on all motions approved by the Senate.
    2. The Treasurer shall include in their report the state of ASHMC’s finances. This shall, at least, include a report on the General Fund, Long-Term Fund and Emergency Fund.
    3. The Activities Planning Director shall include in their report all business conducted at weekly Committee for Activities Planning meetings. This shall, at least, include a report on the Committee for Activities Planning’s remaining funding, all activities that were funded and the amount of funding provided to those activities.
    4. The Clubs Director shall include in their report all business conducted with clubs.
    5. The Diversity Director shall include in their report a report on the position’s remaining funding.
    6. The Social Director shall include in their report all business conducted at weekly Social Committee meetings. This shall, at least, include a report on the Social Committee’s remaining funding, all social events that were funded and the amount of funding provided to those events.
    7. The Wellness Director shall include in their report all business conducted at weekly Wellness Committee meetings. This shall, at least, include a report on the Wellness Committee’s remaining funding, all activities that were funded and the amount of funding provided to those activities.
    8. The Sustainability Director shall shall include in their report all business conducted at weekly Sustainability Committee meetings.
    9. The Athletics Director shall include in their report all business conducted with intramurals, the LAC, and the Athletics Committee

Article II: Executive Appointments

  1. All executive appointments listed below shall be appointed by the Executive Board and may be removed at the discretion of the President. More than one student may fill the following positions. If more than one student fills a stipended position, they will split the yearly stipend proportionately.
  2. Executive Assistant
    1. The Executive Assistant shall report directly to the President.
    2. The Executive Assistant shall record the minutes of the ASHMC Senate and ASHMC Executive Board at each of its meetings.
    3. The Executive Assistant shall publish a weekly calendar of ASHMC events.
    4. The Executive Assistant shall be available to assist members of the Executive Board at any events pertinent to ASHMC.
    5. The Executive Assistant shall be responsible for carrying out miscellaneous tasks assigned by the Executive Board.
    6. The Executive Assistant shall receive a stipend as determined by the ASHMC Senate.
  3. Food Committee Chair
    1. The Food Committee Chair shall act as a liaison between ASHMC and the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall staff.
    2. The Food Committee Chair shall organize Copper Chef and other events in the Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall.
  4. Event Staff Director
    1. The Event Staff Director shall be responsible for the proper functioning of ASHMC event staff.
    2. The Event Staff Director shall select members of ASHMC to be event staff officers.
    3. The Event Staff Director shall report to the Social Director.
  5. Students-L Moderator
    1. The Students-l Moderator shall be responsible for assuring that all messages sent to the students-l electronic mailing list conform to the official students-l policy listed in the Policies section of the HMC Student Handbook.
    2. The Students-l Moderator shall receive a yearly stipend as determined by the ASHMC Senate.
  6. Representative to the HMC Computing Committee
    1. The Representative to the HMC Computing Committee shall be responsible for presenting the opinions and concerns of ASHMC to the HMC Computing Committee.
  7. Residential Affairs Liaison
    1. The Residential Affairs Liaison shall be responsible for advising the members of the Executive Board and the Senate on dormitory policies and regulations.
    2. The Residential Affairs Liaison shall assist the Senate Chair in managing residential affairs.
    3. The Residential Affairs Liaison shall collect dorm election votes with usernames and return them to the dorms.
    4. The Residential Affairs Liaison shall attend weekly Executive Board meetings as a non-voting member.
  8. ASHMC Webmaster
    1. The ASHMC Webmaster shall monitor and maintain the ASHMC website.
    2. When appropriate, the ASHMC Webmaster shall report to the ASHMC Senate and Executive Board on the state of the website.
    3. The ASHMC Webmaster may receive a yearly stipend as determined by the ASHMC Senate.
    4. More than one student may fill the position of Webmaster and split the yearly stipend.
  9. Student Philanthropy Director
    1. The Student Philanthropy Director shall act as a liaison between ASHMC and the Office of College Advancement.
    2. The Student Philanthropy Director shall be the student representative to the Board of Trustees Advancement Committee.
    3. The Student Philanthropy Director shall promote the welfare of others as expressed by monetary donations to good causes on-campus.
    4. The Student Philanthropy Director shall be a member of the ASHMC Senate or Executive Board. If no member of the Senate fills this positions, it shall be filled by the Senate Chair.

Article III: Committees

  1. Social Committee
    1. The Social Committee shall consist of a representative, ie “Social Rep,” from each dorm. This representative will:
      1. Attend weekly Social Committee meetings. The purpose of these meetings are detailed in (e).
      2. Communicate to their dorm relevant information about Social policy.
      3. Work with party organizers in their dorm for 1C/5C parties to document (on the ASHMC Google Drive) their planning for future generations of party planners. Details about port-a-potties, Student Event Staff, etc must be included in the documentation. The documentation will be checked by the Social Director.
    2. The Social Committee shall be chaired by the Social Director.
    3. The Social Committee will, if relevant, find a DJ Representative. The DJ representative will:
      1. Be responsible for collecting a group of students to help with setup and takedown of sound equipment at events.
      2. Update the Social Committee/Director on sound equipment condition and recommend appropriate updates.
    4. The Social Committee shall be responsible for promoting and providing funding for on-campus and 5C social events.
      1. The Social Committee may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
    5. All Social Committee members, DJ Rep not included, shall attend weekly Social Committee meetings or risk incurring a fine at the discretion of the Social Director.
      1. Students will present their event budgets at these meetings. Social Committee members will hear the budget and then vote on the budget and make revisions if necessary.
  2. Committee for Activities Planning (CAP)
    1. The Committee for Activities Planning shall consist of 3-5 members appointed by the Activities Planning Director. The Committee for Activities Planning shall be chaired by the Activities Planning Director.
    2. The Committee for Activities Planning shall be responsible for promoting and providing funding for off-campus social events.
    3. Funding
      1. The Committee for Activities Planning may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
      2. The Committee for Activities Planning shall not fund events sponsored by a club. However, individual club members may request funds for any event which could then become a CAP event.
      3. The ASHMC Treasurer shall not reimburse clubs for events sponsored by the Committee for Activities Planning.
      4. The ASHMC Senate shall not make a club’s funding contingent on receiving funds from the Committee for Activities Planning. The ASHMC Senate shall not ask club officers to go to the Committee for Activities Planning for additional funds.
    4. All Committee for Activities Planning members shall attend monthly Committee for Activities Planning meetings or risk incurring a fine at the discretion of the Activities Planning Director.
  3. Food Committee
    1. The Food Committee shall consist of the food representatives from each dormitory.
    2. The Food Committee shall be chaired by the Food Committee Chair.
    3. The Food Committee shall communicate student interests with regards to the meal plan to Dining Hall staff.
  4. Student Philanthropy Committee
    1. The Student Philanthropy Committee shall consist of the Student Philanthropy representatives from each dormitory. If a dormitory does not have a representative, the position shall be filled by the dormitory president.
    2. The Student Philanthropy Committee shall be chaired by the Student Philanthropy Director.
    3. The Student Philanthropy Committee shall plan, organize, and execute the Student Philanthropy Campaign during the second semester.
  5. Wellness Committee
    1. The Wellness Committee shall be chaired by the Wellness Director.
    2. The Wellness Committee shall be responsible for promoting and providing funding for on-campus wellness activities.
      1. The Wellness Committee may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
  6. Athletics Committee
    1. The Athletics Committee shall consist of the athletics representatives from each dormitory.
    2. The Athletics Committee shall be chaired by the Athletics Director.
    3. The Athletics Committee shall:
      1. Promote intramural competition.
      2. Evaluate requests for dormitory athletic equipment.
  7. Sustainability Committee
    1. The Sustainability Committee shall be chaired by the Sustainability Director.
    2. The Sustainability Committee shall consist of Sustainability Representatives appointed by the Sustainability Director.
    3. The Sustainability Committee shall promote Sustainability and other sustainable practices on-campus.
    4. The Sustainability Committee representatives shall lead the sustainability initiative on campus by:
      1. Informing the community about HMC’s current sustainability practices near the beginning of the year, including, but not limited to, recycling and composting.
      2. Planning initiatives to inform the student body about and encourage participation in sustainable practices.

Article IV: Dormitory Officers

  1. There shall exist a Treasurer, an Athletics Representative, a Food Representative, and a Social Representative of each dormitory as sanctioned in the ASHMC Bylaws.
  2. Dormitory Treasurers, Athletics Representatives, Food Representatives, and Social Representatives must be identified to the ASHMC President no more than two weeks after the start of the Fall semester.
  3. Dormitory Treasurer
    1. The Dormitory Treasurer shall be responsible for managing and maintaining accurate records of the dormitory funds.
  4. Dormitory Athletics Representative
    1. The Dormitory Athletics Representative shall be responsible for coordinating dormitory participation in intramural athletics.
    2. The Dormitory Athletics Representative shall be a member of the Athletics Committee.
  5. Dormitory Food Representative
    1. The Dormitory Food Representative shall be responsible for representing dormitory interests to the Hoch-Shanahan dining hall.
    2. The Dormitory Food Representative shall be a member of the Food Committee.
  6. Dormitory Social Representative
    1. The Dormitory Social Representative shall act as a liaison between Dormitory Presidents and the Social Committee.
    2. The Dormitory Social Representative shall be a member of the Social Committee.

Article V: Additional Responsibilities of Executive Board Officers

  1. ASHMC President
    1. The ASHMC President shall meet weekly with the Vice President of Student Affairs.
    2. The ASHMC President shall attend the quarterly Board of Trustees meetings including the Educational Planning, Student Affairs, and Physical Plant and Campus Planning committees.
    3. The ASHMC President shall make a report to the Alumni Association Board of Governors meeting.
    4. In the beginning of their term, the ASHMC President, Senate Chair and Treasurer shall meet with representatives of the Business Affairs Office to discuss ASHMC’s non-profit status and other ASHMC business.
  2. Senate Chair
    1. The Senate Chair shall meet weekly with representatives of the Division of Student Affairs and Facilities and Maintenance to discuss campus issues.
    2. The Senate Chair shall attend the quarterly Board of Trustees meetings including the Educational Planning, Student Affairs, and Physical Plant and Campus Planning committees.
  3. Treasurer
    1. The Treasurer shall maintain a list of organizations that have been chartered by ASHMC and shall maintain a list of contacts for those organizations.
  4. Activities Planning Director
    1. The CAP Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs.
    2. The CAP Director will maintain a semester calendar for all CAP events.
  5. Club Director
    1. The Club Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs.
    2. The Club Director shall host a club fair for all Mudd clubs in the fall and for new clubs in the spring semester.
    3. The Club Director will plan and lead one training session per semester with required attendance for all club presidents.
  6. Diversity Director
    1. The Diversity Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Office of Institutional Diversity.
    2. The Diversity Director shall meet regularly with the leaders of affinity clubs.
    3. The Diversity Director will be responsible for maintaining the Diversity Riggs Room and the ASHMC Textbook Library.
  7. Social Director
    1. The Social Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs.
    2. The Social Director shall attend 5C Social Chairs meetings when scheduled.
  8. Sustainability Director
    1. The Sustainability Director shall act as a liaison between ASHMC and the Hixon Center for Sustainability
    2. The Sustainability Director shall promote Sustainability and sustainable practices on-campus.
    3. The Sustainability Director shall be the representative to the Sustainability Committee.
    4. The Sustainability Director shall meet regularly with ESW/MOSS, F&M, and a representative from the Hixon Center for Sustainability to coordinate events on campus. They will also meet with other pertinent individuals as necessary.
  9. Wellness Director
    1. The Wellness Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Office of Health and Wellness.
  10. Athletics Director
    1. The Athletics Director shall act as a liaison between ASHMC, the LAC staff, and the CMC Intramurals organizers.
    2. The Athletics Director shall be responsible for maintaining inventory of all ASHMC property in the LAC.
    3. The Athletics Director will meet regularly with the Athletics Committee to plan and organize intramural competition, and discuss other athletic needs for students on campus.

Article VI: Transition Specifications for Executive Board Offices

  1. Activities Planning Director
    1. The outgoing Activities Planning Director will spend the first two weeks of the incoming Activities Planning Director’s term to clearly articulate the processes for organizing the Activities Planning Committee, booking transportation for large CAP events, organizing finances and reimbursements, soliciting and approving CAP events, and creating semester-long events calendars.
    2. The outgoing Activities Planning Director must co-host at least one CAP event with the incoming Activities Planning Director before formally retiring from office.
  2. Club Director
    1. The outgoing Club Director will co-host the spring Club Presidents Training with the incoming Club Director, if the training falls after elections.
  3. Diversity Director
    1. The outgoing Diversity Director will attend Mudd Budgeting with the incoming Diversity Director to present a budget for the upcoming academic year.
  4. Social Director
    1. The outgoing Social Director will spend the first month of the incoming Social Director’s term to clearly articulate the processes for approving parties, contacting other 5C social directors, and creating semester-long party calendars.
    2. The outgoing Social Director will co-plan at least one 5C party in the spring semester with the incoming Social Director before formally retiring from office.
    3. The outgoing Social Director will plan for and attend Mudd Budgeting with the incoming Social Director to present a budget for the upcoming academic year. The outgoing Social Director will also document the reasoning for any budgetary changes along with general recommendations regarding the Social Budget.
  5. Sustainability Director
    1. The outgoing Sustainability Director will spend the first two weeks of the incoming Sustainability Director’s term to help facilitate introductions and meetings.
  6. Wellness Director
    1. The outgoing Wellness Director will attend Mudd Budgeting with the incoming Wellness Director to present a budget for the upcoming academic year.
  7. Athletics Director
    1. The outgoing Athletics Director will attend Mudd Budgeting with the incoming Athletics Director to present a budget for the upcoming academic year.