Endowed Scholarships
The following is a listing of the endowed scholarship funds. Harvey Mudd College thanks these donors for their generosity.
- Adele and David Foley Aeronautical Endowed Scholarship
- Ahmanson Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Alan B. Chambliss Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Albert and Dana Broccoli Endowed Scholarship
- Alexander P. Hixon Endowed Scholarship
- Alfred B. Focke Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Alphonse A. Burnand Endowed Scholarship
- Amcord Foundation Endowed Scholarship (American Cement Co.)
- Anna M. Hill Memorial Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Arlee and Duncan Moore Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- ASHMC Endowed Scholarship
- Barbara and Anthony Fallon ’61 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Burton G. Bettingen Endowed Scholarship
- Byron Services ’88/89 Endowed Scholarship Fund
- C. F. Braun Endowed Scholarship
- Chance Crompton ’13 Memorial Scholarship
- Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1968 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1974 Tory Davis Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1975 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 2007 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 2008 Endowed Scholarship
- Dixie and Willis Wood, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Donald C. and Elene R. Hawthorne Endowed Scholarship
- Dorothy and Donald A. Strauss Endowed Scholarship
- Dorothy and Elliott Green Endowed Scholarship
- Dotty and Art Campbell Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Henry O. Eversole Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Kimberly Epps ’90 Scholarship Fund
- Duane E. Roller Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- E. H. Clark, Jr. Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence & Leadership
- Edward and Shirley Chejlava Endowed Scholarship
- Edward Coin and Ruth Daugherty Cazier Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Edward E. and Susan P. Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Einstein Endowed Scholarship
- Elise C. Brown ’95 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Eric B. Kim ’76 and Eunhee Kim Endowed Scholarship
- Erin Smith and Lenny Barshack Scholarship
- Fletcher Jones Endowed Scholarship
- Flick and Jack Wehrenberg Scholarship
- Flora Dreibaltt Endowed Merit Scholarship
- Founding Friends Endowed Scholarship
- Frank De Pietro Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Frederick C. Kingston Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- George H. Mayr Foundation Endowed Educational Challenge Scholarship
- Gerald R. and Florence H. Case Endowed Scholarship
- Great Western Financial Corporation Endowed Scholarship
- Grover/McManus International Scholarship Fund
- H. D. Oberdorfer Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Hal and Katrina Heinze Endowed Scholarship
- Hale Chapin Field Memorial Aeronautical Endowed Scholarship
- Harold H. Harris ’62 Endowed Scholarship
- Harold J. and Helen M. Clark Endowed Scholarship
- Harry and Grace Steele Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Helen Young Quasi-Endowed Scholarship
- Henry and Gayle Riggs Endowed Scholarship
- Henry T. Mudd Birthday Scholarship
- Henry T. Mudd, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Henry T. Mudd/First Interstate Bank Endowed Scholarship
- Home Savings of America Endowed Minority Scholarship
- Hugh and Dorothy Pickel Endowed Scholarship
- IBM Endowed Scholarship
- Isabel Bates Aeronautical Endowed Scholarship
- J. L. Atwood Endowed Scholarship
- James A. Groth Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- James D. and Sabina J. Lodge Endowed Scholarship
- James Irvine Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- Jean and Joe Platt Endowed Scholarship
- Jesse R. Swan Endowed Scholarship Fund
- John and Alberta Worster Endowed Scholarship
- John B. and Nelly Llanos Kilroy Endowed Scholarship
- John D. Hackstaff Endowed Scholarship
- John W. Mudd Endowed Scholarship
- Jon Alan Wunderlich ’67 Endowed Scholarship
- Jonathon Y. Hsu’01 Endowed Scholarship
- June B. Gach and Robert L. Gach Memorial Endowed Loan/Scholarship
- Kenneth and Eileen Norris Endowed Scholarship
- Le Roy and Doris L. Barrett Endowed Scholarship
- Lockheed Martin Endowed Scholarship
- Lois and Joseph Marriott Aeronautical Endowed Scholarship
- M. Guy and Lucia F. Edwards Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Malcolm Lewis ’67 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Marc W. Johnson Endowed Fund
- Margaret and Alex Oser Endowed Scholarship
- Margaret E. Oser Endowed Scholarship
- Marvel and Robert Kirby Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Maria M. Klawe Endowed Scholarship
- Mary Horsley Endowed Scholarship
- Michelle Gordon ’94 Endowed Scholarship
- Mildred G. Bleakney Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Mildred P. and Clements H. Ferguson Endowed Scholarship
- Mildred E. Mudd Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Nancia L. and Vincent K. Jones, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
- Nejat Ezal ’91 Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Northrop Grumman Endowed Scholarship
- Oliver C. Field Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Parsons Foundation Endowed Scholarship
- R. Michael Shanahan Family Endowed Scholarship
- Ray Lee Edwards Endowed Scholarship
- Ray Thomas Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Richard G. Olson ’62 Endowed Scholarship
- Rif Hutchings Scholarship Endowed Fund
- Robert E. Gross/Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Endowed Scholarship
- Robert G. Evans Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Robert and Barbara McAlister Endowed Scholarship
- Robert Patchen Miller Memorial Endowed Engineering Scholarship
- Ron and Lee Vaughan Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Ruth and Mahesh Kotecha ’70 Endowed Scholarship
- Samuel Delich ’62 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Scott McAlister Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Sempra Energy Endowed Scholarship
- Seth Goldberg ’74 Memorial Endowed Fund
- Sharon and Michael Blasgen Endowed Scholarship
- Shell Endowed Scholarship
- Shirlynn I. Spacapan Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Sonner Family Endowed Scholarship
- Susan T. and Frederick B. Sontag Endowed Scholarship
- SWECO Endowed Scholarship
- Ted Kollar ’65 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Terry E. and A.J. Cheifetz Endowed Scholarship
- The Anthony W. LaFetra Endowed Scholarship
- The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Endowed Science and Math Scholars Fund
- The Carl J. Baumgaertner Endowed Scholarship for Engineering Students
- The Charles B. Hess ’73 Memorial Scholarship
- The Cynthia Sprague and Joseph Connolly Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The Dr. Bruce J. Nelson ’74 Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The Esterbrook Endowed Scholarship
- The Friends of Harvey Mudd College Endowed Scholarship
- The Galileo Society Endowed Scholarship
- The Henry T. Mudd Endowed Scholarship
- The Joan and Trude Taylor Endowed Scholarship
- The Joe Woods P’15 and Anne G. Hanley P’15 Endowed Scholarship
- The Overley Endowed Scholarship
- The Rolle Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The So Yuen Sang Future Scientists Endowed Scholarship
- The Stavros Busenberg Endowed Scholarship Fund
- The T. Larry Norin Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The Triumph Fund for Harvey Mudd College
- The Vere and Grace Lacy Farmer Endowed Scholarship
- The William and Wyllis Leonhard Merit Scholarship Fund
- The Yuen Sang and Yu Yuen Kit So International Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Theodore W. and Beatrice B. Braun Endowed Scholarship
- Thomas H. Bleakney Scholarship
- Timothy O’Donnell ’74 Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Tristan Witte ’18 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Velma V. and George I. McKelvey Endowed Scholarship
- Victoria Nebeker Coberly Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Virginia L. Hansen Endowed Scholarship Fund
- William and Evelyn Hobson Endowed Scholarship Fund
- William and Mary Horsley Endowed Scholarship
- William Lyman Fox Endowed Scholarship
- William M. O’Brien ’61 Endowed Scholarship
- William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship
Miles Cook ’23

“In my freshman spring semester, I had the amazing opportunity of working in Prof. Hur’s Molecular Biology of Aging lab. As a freshman with little lab experience beyond HMC’s first year labs and high school, I was extremely eager to join such an experienced team. And, I could not be more grateful and appreciative for the kindness and understanding of everyone in the lab, especially Prof. Hur. We worked with fruit flies and tested how hormesis, induced by heat stress, influences lifespan. The experience was truly new for I was left to ask my own questions and create my own experiments. I learned the importance of an organized lab notebook and how to communicate results and findings without the structure of a typical lab class. I was also introduced to new stat tests such as ANOVA and how to draw conclusions from them. Not only did I learn countless things, I always felt welcomed and a valued part of the group. It did not matter that I was a first-year and maybe a bit less experienced than some of the upperclassmen. My time in Prof. Hur’s lab as well as his generosity and kindness will always be remembered.”
Lauren Henson ’24

“I chose to attend HMC because of the small class sizes and community. I wanted to be able to engage with professors, feel free to ask questions, and collaborate with my peers in order to get the most out of my academic experience. As I suspected, Harvey Mudd’s emphasis on collaboration has boosted my learning experience greatly, as group discussions have enabled me to better understand topics for myself, and share my understandings with others.”