Delivery System for Transcatheter Heart Valve Replacement

Nininger Medical Inc. Engineering, 2022–23

Liaison(s): Daniel Anderson ’99, Andrew Schombs, Dr. Lowie Van Assche
Advisor(s): Angela Lee ’05
Students(s): George Wang (TL-F), Isabel West (TL-S), Sydney Cornell, Arya Mididaddi, Elijah Adamson

The Nininger Medical Clinic team is developing a transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) device for pre-clinical studies. As a grant-funded start-up, Nininger Medical Inc. is designing a delivery system to remedy tricuspid heart valve disease. This semester, the team has constructed and integrated the new mechanical stops, valve insertion mechanism and catheter-to-valve frame connection that were designed during the fall semester. The team has used various 3D printing technologies as well as the HMC shop facilities to prototype these designs and conduct strength and durability tests.