MuddX: Teacher-Mediated MOOCs from Harvey Mudd College

HMC Online Computer Science, 2013-14

Liaison(s): Elizabeth Schofield ’13
Advisor(s): Mike Erlinger
Students(s): Thomas Ashmore, Sorathan (Tum) Chaturapruek, Corinne Druhan (PM), Bridgette Eichelberger

Soaring higher education tuition catalyzed the development of MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses). The HMC Online clinic team created an online platform, MuddX, to host two such courses. MyCS teaches Computer Science to middle school teachers, so they can introduce CS concepts into their classrooms. The other, How Stuff Moves, is based on Mudd’s Physics 24. Our team will discuss our platform, the courses, and the plethora of challenges we (and all MOOCs) encounter.